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The Dolmens of Drenthe are a group of megalithic tombs located in the province of Drenthe, in the Netherlands. They were built during the Funnelbeaker culture period, around 3500-2800 BCE. 


Dolmens are a type of ancient tomb that consists of a large, flat stone supported by smaller stones, forming a roof over a chamber where the remains of the honored deceased were placed. The tombs are believed to have been used for collective burials, with multiple individuals being buried in a single tomb.  


They are the only megalithic tombs in the Netherlands that were built using large slabs of stone that are still visible above ground.

Dolmens of Dreneth - 1000 Piece Puzzle

SKU: 197644594887

Pieces: 1000

Dimensions: 500mm x 700mm (approx 20in x 30in)


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