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The Uragh Stone Circle is an ancient Bronze Age stone circle located in County Kerry, Ireland. Found throughout Britain and Ireland, stone circles are the focus of much mystery and intrigue.  While their exact use and purpose is often debated, some prevailing theories are that the stone monoliths were used as ritual ceremonial spaces, honored burial markers, or community gathering places. The largest Uragh monolith stands over 3 meters tall overlooking the five circle stones beside it. Taking in the surrounding beauty of its location, situated on a hill between the Cloonee Upper and Inchiquinn Loughs (Lakes), one can easily imagine the draw to meet with fellow gatherers around the Uragh Stones in a bygone age.

Uragh Stone Circle - 1000 Piece Puzzle

SKU: 198168135846

Pieces: 1000

Dimensions: 500mm x 700mm (approx 20in x 30in)


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