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Carved from solid rock, the remarkable Churches of Lalibela are awe inspiring to behold. With its unique cruciform design, Bet Giyorgis is one of many rock churches found in the northern highlands of Ethiopia. Shaped from a single unbroken piece of stone, the construction methods used to create the church have been lost to time. Carved between the 12th and 13th centuries under the reign of King Lalibela, the church appears to be inaccessible being surrounded by vertical cliffs on all sides. A narrow trench with carved stairs leading to a tunnel 40 feet down allows pilgrims and visitors alike to visit this amazing sight. Through centuries of weathering, Bet Giyorgis has stood the test of time within this medieval holy city.

Church of Lalibela - 1000 Piece Puzzle

SKU: 198168906453

Pieces: 1000

Dimensions: 500mm x 700mm (approx 20in x 30in)


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